Wednesday, October 30, 2013

It's Here!

Allegiant was released a week ago and I have a copy in my hands right now!  The third and final novel in Veronica Roth's Divergent series has been much anticipated, and there is already a line-up for it.  Come in and add your name to the list - the book will only be available for 7 day check-outs until all the holds have been satisfied.
Hope you all have a great long weekend!
Ms, Susan and Ms. Maggie

Monday, October 28, 2013

New Books!

Three new books are now on the library shelves! 

House of Hades

We've been waiting for, well, a year, for the next installment of the Heroes of Olympus series from Rick Riordan. It was released on October 8, and we have a copy ready for you to scoop up!  The story picks up immediately after the cliff-hanger in the last book, Mark of Athena.  Can't believe we have to wait for another year to finish the series!


 Russian Roulette:  Alex Rider

We all thought Scorpia Rising was the last Alex Rider book, so it was a bit of a surprise to come across Russian Roulette.  Turns out, this is more of a prequel to the series, the story of Yassen Gregorovitch, Alex's arch enemy.


One Crow Alone

One Crow Alone is not a sequel to author S.D. Crockett's first novel, After the Snow, but it is related to it through characters.  Set in a future where Europe is in the grips ice age, this new addition to the dystopian genre is receiving some great reviews.


Thursday, October 24, 2013

Teen Read Week Winners

Teen Read Week is just about finished and we hope you all had an opportunity to discover new books and a passion for reading!  Many thanks to those of you who participated in the competitions.  The winners are:

Hope you all enjoyed Having Tim Hortons here as well. 

Till next time...hope you all continue to read, read, read!
Ms. Susan and Ms. Maggie

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

It's a Wrap!

All good things come to an end, and so too must Teen Read Week.  But we're ending it with a bang! 
Here's what going on tomorrow:

Book Character Dress-up

Tim Hortons in the school

Pizza Day

Make you way to the library at lunch time for the judging of the best book character costume, as well as the announcement of all competition winners.

See you there!

Ms. Maggie and Ms. Susan


Monday, October 21, 2013

Teen Read Week

We are smack in the middle of Teen Read Week, and we hope you are enjoying DEAR and the lunchtime activities in the library.  There is still time to enter the competitions, which you can read about here.

Don't forget that all competition entries must be handed in by 3pm Wednesday.

On Thursday, Tim Hortons will be in the school to kick-off out TRW wrap-up party. They will be selling coffee, hot chocolate, sandwiches, donuts, muffins and cookies.

The best book character dress-up costume will be chosen on Thursday at lunch, as will the winners of all competitions, so come and join the fun!

All details on the Teen Read Week Website.

Ms. Maggie and Ms, Susan


Thursday, October 10, 2013

Eid Mubarak!

We would like to wish you all Eid Mubarak and hope that you have a safe and happy holiday.  We're looking forward to a great Teen Read Week when you all get back!  Start working on those competitions now so you have enough time!

Ms. Susan and Ms. Maggie


Tuesday, October 8, 2013

End of the Database Trials

The Gale Virtual Reference Library and the ABC-CLIO trial periods have come to and end, and there is only one day left for all the other trials.  We hope that you had a chance to look at these resources, and we would appreciate your feedback regarding them. Please email us at with your comments.

Thank you,

Ms. Maggie and Ms. Susan


Saturday, October 5, 2013

Teen Read Week

Teen Read Week is an international event celebrating and promoting young adult literature and reading.  In North America, this year's Teen Read Week takes place from October 13 to 19. Since we are on holidays that week, CIS high school will participate during the week of October 20 - 24.

There are competitions and events planned throughout the week, culminating with a wrap-up party on Thursday October 24th, with Tim Hortons.

Most pages read
Scavenger Hunt
Book Review
Book Trailer
Book Character Dress-up

Other Events during Lunch Time in the Library
Workshops on research skills
Treats and Trailers
Author Talks (videos)
John Green Day


Drop Everything And Read (DEAR) throughout the week

For complete details see our Teen Read Week page.

We're looking forward to a fun week!

Ms. Susan and Ms. Maggie


Tuesday, October 1, 2013


We have now also obtained a trial for 4 databases from Proquest.  We only have until October 10 to evaluate the product and compare it with the GALE and the ABC-CLIO products, so have a look at it here:

Proquest Trial

and let us know what you think.

Ms. Maggie and Ms. Susan