Wednesday, September 25, 2013

New Books!!

This week we received 4 much anticipated books to add to our collection!  Come on in to the library to check out the latest books in these series:

Last Survivors series

The Shade of the Moon has just been released and we have it!!!  We've all been dying to know when and  if life starts getting better after that meteor knocked the moon out of kilter. Come and get it soon as there may be a line-up to get it!

Lorien Legacies

The Lorien Legacies continue in the 4th book of the series, The Fall of Five.  Also just released, this book continues the battle between the Garde and the Mogadorians.  Who else still survives, and where?

Fire and Thorns

Finally, we were able to acquire the next two books in the Fire and Thorns series, The Crown of Embers, and The Bitter Kingdom.  Find out what happens to Elisa after the epic battle with the Inveirnos, and where her godstone leads her.

Come and get them while they're hot!
Ms. Maggie and MS. Susan

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