Thursday, October 9, 2014

Teen Read Week Starts Sunday!

Hey Everyone,  we are very excited about Teen Read Week, which starts on Sunday. This year's theme is

Turn your Dreams into Reality @ your library

We invite you to start the week by having a look at the great books we have on display that may help you turn your dreams into reality.  Whether you have specific careers in mind, or are looking for direction, we're sure you'll find something to read to assist you.

Olympus day, Divergent Day, and a game  of  Capture the Flag will round out the week, and of course, what celebration is complete without food!  Pop into the library every lunch time to see what's happening.

You'll be able to collect tokens for participating in the various activities throughout the week.  Students with the highest token count will have their names added to a draw for a grand prize (to be announced).

For  complete details, click below:
Looking forward to lots of fun next week!
Ms. Susan and Ms. Maggie


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